• No, you do not require a referral to access treatment. Physiotherapists can assess and diagnose injuries.

  • Yes - park anywhere in the lot in front of 1626 Richter, and you have free parking for 2 hours.

  • This specialized technique uses acupuncture needles to stimulate a muscle twitch response to create change in tight and dysfunctional muscles. There is nothing injected into the tissue during this technique. It is a different technique than acupuncture, and the needles do not remain in place like in acupuncture.

  • If you require a particular area of your body examined please bring shorts or a tank top so we can view and assess the area properly.

    Item description

  • Yes, we can direct bill to most insurance companies.

  • Yes - with a caveat. At this time, we are waiting for our contract with ICBC to direct bill them for treatments. If you would like to be treated after an accident you will be required to pay privately for the appointments and then submit them to ICBC on your behalf. Once the contract is secured, we will be able to bill on your behalf. Stay tuned.

  • Not yet. We do are working on securing our contract with them, and until it is approved there is no eligibility for treatment until then. Stay Tuned.

  • Yes. If you are approved for this coverage, you would receive 25$ towards 10 calendar year visits spread between different health care providers.